Bidder process

It’s easy!
Are you a land buyer that wants to buy land fairly and for the best possible price?
Registration - create account
Register on our website and enter your personal details. In order to verify any possible bids you place, you’ll be asked to submit a record of your passport and commercial registration if applicable. So we can ensure that your offers are legitimate. Your data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Create a personal password to protect your account.
Favourites - mark listings
To make sure you can check the plots you’re interested in at any time, you can collect your personal favourites and tag specific listings.
Set goal - find plot
Check potential plots or create a preliminary project. Due to the 30 to 90 day waiting/bidding time, you’ll have enough time to intensively review the plot without external time pressure. So you can establish a clear overview of the effective plot value - without risks or costs.
Purchase price - set maximum price
If you’re interested in a plot, you can inform Landbörse AG of the maximum price you’d be willing to pay. This service is free of charge. The bidder that submitted the best offer shall win the auction at the price of the second highest bid plus CHF 10,000.00. Your maximum bid is therefore not a fixed offer, rather only describes what price you’re willing to go up to in order to obtain the plot. This lets Landbörse guarantee that the buyer and seller both get the best possible price.
Verification - end of auction
Once your offer has been submitted, it will be verified. Once this has taken place, your purchase offer will be recorded and you will take part in the auction. The auction waiting time won’t be longer than 90 days, depending on the auction duration. These 90 days and the additional evaluation time and seller notification time must be waited in each case. Landbörse AG issues no information about the status of the bidding process, the bids received or the final purchase price.
Evaluation by Landbörse AG
The bids received will be evaluated on the final day of the auction. Firstly, the information is sent to the seller. Then the highest bidder will be contacted and any other bidders informed of their unsuccessful bids.
Matching - highest bid
Matching lets Landbörse AG ensure that the buyer and the seller both express their wishes and that you get the plot for the best possible price. Both parties in turn are asked to make a reservation payment that serves as a down-payment on the commission owed to Landbörse AG.
Seller - buyer mediation
After both sides have expressed their wishes, the buyer and the seller as well as the definitive purchase price will be announced. There’s now nothing to stop the final notarised purchase.
More detailed information - GDB
For more information, please read our VALID SERVICE PROVISIONS (GDB), so you'll beinformed about the process right down to the smallest detail.