Seller process

It’s easy!
Are you a landowner that wants to sell land fairly and for the best possible price?
Submit all documents
The most important step in creating your listing is providing all the relevant documents. This mostly encompasses all written documents and information that impact the price of the plot or allow its value to be confirmed or estimated. Please provide an excerpt from the land registry and suitable images as a minimum. If you have the relevant documents available electronically, Landbörse will carry out the listing process for you step by step.
Sales price - set reserve
The only thing that matters here is what price you’d be prepared to sell your land for (the price saved on any relevant property portals).
The actual sales price is established based on the bids received i.e. the auction. This means that you as a seller receive the best sales price out of all genuine bids received. Bids under your reserve cannot be submitted, as you set your minimum sales price to stipulate that any lower bids would not meet your expectations.
Register - register free of charge today
Register with Landbörse AG. We need some sensitive documents, such as official personal documents and/or excerpts from the commercial register. Landbörse AG will treat this information with the utmost sensitivity. It serves to identify you as an authorised land seller and the bidder as a genuine authorised bidder.
Listing - edit in full
Edit your listing and make all documents relevant to the plot available. As the owner, you know your property’s assets best. So don’t hesitate to describe all the benefits and try to make sure that your documents create the most accurate image possible. Remember that these documents serve to create an image of your plot, so clear documents and additional information can add value to your offer. As soon as you’ve submitted all documents relevant to your plot, you can upload your listing for a fee.
Verification - reviewed internally
In order to guarantee genuine offers, Landbörse AG carries out verification before your listing is activated. This mostly entails making sure that the personal data entered is correct and that the seller is the legal owner of the plot and therefore authorised to sell. If this is not the case, the plot will not be activated. In this case, at least suitable authorisation from the land seller regarding their intent to sell the plot must be submitted to Landbörse AG.
Activation - listing including documents
If all the documents you submitted are readable and verification is complete, your ad listing will be activated. Please note that Landbörse AG offers no guarantee for the documents you submit, rather only reviews the documents’ readability and verification.
Auction - bidders bid
Once your listing has been successfully activated, the bidding deadline countdown will begin. Your building plot will be added as an auction lot at the minimum reserve price set by you within 30 to 90 days. Any interested parties have enough time to review the plot for possible projects, which can result in a lasting increase to the purchase price.
Evaluation - by Landbörse AG
On the final day of the auction, all submitted bids will be reviewed and you will be informed of whether the reserve was reached or not. If bidding failed to reach the reserve price, your listing will be saved; you can edit, delete or relist it any time. You won’t incur any further costs: you have already paid the listing fee.
Matching - highest bid
Matching lets Landbörse AG ensure that the buyer and the seller both express their wishes and that you sell the plot for the best possible price. Both parties in turn are asked to make a reservation payment that serves as a down-payment on the commission owed to Landbörse AG.
Seller - buyer mediation
After both sides have expressed their wishes, the buyer and the seller as well as the definitive purchase price will be announced. There’s now nothing to stop the final notarised purchase.
More detailed information - GDB
For more information, please read our VALID SERVICE PROVISIONS (GDB), so you’ll beinformed about the process right down to the smallest detail.